Corporate culture: integrity, down-to-earth, high-quality, first-class!

Work objective: To strive for first-class employees, jointly produce first-class products, and create first-class enterprises

Striving to become first-class employees is the work goal that every Jinshuo person consciously and spontaneously establishes: working together to create first-class products is the foundation of the company's production and operation; creating first-class enterprises, serving customers, and repaying society are the ultimate vision of Jinshuo people.

Team philosophy: Same goal, leading with weight, tacit trust, and risk sharing.

JinShuo advocates the "wolf spirit" and creates a competitive high-quality enterprise of hydroxyethyl cellulose ether, which is the common goal of Jinshuo people. In the process of achieving this goal, everyone should be loyal to their team, shoulder heavy responsibilities, unleash their potential, work diligently, and carry forward the "wolf spirit" in the team; To trust each other, cooperate with each other, be willing to contribute, unite as one, fight against the wind and waves in the fierce market competition, overcome difficulties, and ultimately achieve one's own life value while achieving the strategic goals of enterprise development.

Innovation concept: continuous innovation, tolerance for failure

Continuous innovation is the source and power for the survival and development of enterprises. To create the most competitive hydroxyethyl cellulose ether enterprise, we must create a strong atmosphere of innovation, always support staff innovation, innovative technology, innovation management, innovative systems, and innovative environment; We should understand, tolerate, and encourage the failures that arise in innovative work, making innovation a quality, a spirit, and a fashion.

Talent concept: suitable for one's position and person

As long as they are willing and able to work hard and actively contribute to the enterprise, they are the talents that the enterprise needs. When selecting talents, the first consideration is personnel knowledge, skills, and job requirements, in order to achieve the best combination of the two and maximize the expertise and abilities of each employee.

Quality philosophy: Quality is the life of an enterprise, and quality is the foundation of a brand

Jinshuo people value product quality as their life. We deeply understand that quality is produced, not inspected. We hope to provide customers with high-quality and standard products, to win development and profits for customers, and achieve mutual benefit.

Marketing philosophy: Creating value for users and winning friends for enterprises

The relationship between a company and its customers is not simply about buying and selling, but about striving to create value for users in their work that they do not have or cannot obtain from other suppliers, so that they become repeat customers of the enterprise and ultimately become friends of the enterprise.

Safety philosophy: safety first, prevention first

Safety is an essential and inevitable requirement of production and operation. Only when the safety of employees is effectively guaranteed and the normal operation of equipment and facilities is guaranteed, can enterprises continue, develop healthily, and harmoniously.

Business philosophy: Pursuing excellence without end, keeping up with the times and creating a future!


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