As a water-soluble rheological additive, HEC is used in daily chemical products such as shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, facial mask, hand sanitizer, toothpaste, shoe polish, etc., to thicken and prevent the sedimentation of insoluble substances. HEC is an effective adhesive, thickener, stabilizer and dispersant in shampoo, hair spray, neutralizer, conditioner and cosmetics; In washing powders, it is a type of anti fouling agent; HEC dissolves quickly at high temperatures, which can accelerate the production process and improve production efficiency; The obvious characteristic of detergents containing HEC is to improve the smoothness and mercerization of the fabric.
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Henan Jinshuo Technology Co. Ltd.
地址:Baoshan Circular Economy Cluster, Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province, China
电话:+86 0392-3297888
传真:+86 0392-3207666